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Teshuvah: A Jewish Case for Palestinian Refugee Return

Peter Beinart Jewish Currents
Why is dreaming of return laudable for Jews but pathological for Palestinians? Since World War II, the international bodies that oversee refugees have developed a clear ethical principle: People who want to return home should be allowed to do so.

Tidbits - Jan. 14, 2021 - Reader Comments: One Week - Coup Attempt and Resistance; America Through Nazi Eyes; Impeachment; Holding Trump, His Enablers and Cohorts Responsible; Israeli Apartheid; Tech and Retail Workers; Resources; Announcements; and more.

Reader Comments: One Week - Coup Attempt and Resistance; America Through Nazi Eyes; Impeachment; Holding Trump, His Enablers and Cohorts Responsible; Israeli Apartheid; Tech and Retail Workers; Resources; Announcements; and more....


Long Past Due: Joan Wallach Scott's On the Judgment of History.

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
Three efforts to right historical wrongs - Nuremberg Trials' prosecution of Nazi war crimes but not crimes against its own people, South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation established the former if not the latter, and today's demand for reparations.

Tidbits - Sept. 17, 2020 - Reader Comments: Could Trump Win-Is He Planning a Coup?; Women Given Hysterectomies Without Consent by ICE; No Peace without Freedom-Thoughts on "Peace Deal"; Scourge of Racism; Use Art to Raise Antiracist Kids; Announcements

Reader Comments: Could Trump Win-Is He Planning a Coup?; Women Given Hysterectomies Without Consent by ICE; There Cannot be Peace without Freedom-Thoughts on the "Peace Deal"; Scourge of Racism; Use Art to Raise Antiracist Kids; Lots of Announcements

The Revolutionary Life and Times of Ruth First, and Her Legacy (long)

Ronnie Kasrils Umsebenzi Online
Ruth Heloise First was an outstanding revolutionary, who through practical experience became focused on developing ideas to drive social action. Biographical tribute by her comrade and friend, Ronnie Kasrils, on the 38th year of her assassination.
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