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California Pension Fund Gives the Boot to Hedge Funds

Dean Baker Al Jazeera America
Investment of public money needs transparency and accountability. The CalPERS decision to end hedge fund investments should be a clarion call for pensions to re-examine their relationship with these and other nontraditional investment instruments. Trillions of dollars of public money as well as the retirement security of millions of workers are at stake.

The Entitlement of the Very Rich

Dean Baker Truthout
If the public has a clear understanding of the agenda of the Immelts of the world, and their political allies, it will be better positioned to protect the entitlements that workers depend on have paid for.

GDP and the Public Sector

Dean Baker CEPR
The reality is that the government and the economy are so thoroughly integrated it is impossible to separate the two.

Education is Not the Answer

Dean Baker Jacobin Magazine
Everyone deserves a great public education, but better schools alone can’t fight inequality.

Obamacare Secret: If You Quit Your Job, You Have a Plan and Keep Wages

Dean Baker The Guardian
Expanding health insurance to the uninsured was never the big story. The most important benefit of Obamacare is the security it provides to the tens of millions of people who already had insurance – except that insurance, before the Affordable Care Act, was only as safe as their job.

The Progressive 'Left' vs. Bill Keller's Disastrous 'Center-Left'

Dean Baker Common Dreams
Dean Baker refutes Bill Keller's New York Times article, "Inequality for Dummies," published on December 22, ( in which he contrasts the "left-left against the "center-left.