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The Book of Palestine: National Liberation vs Endless Negotiations

Ramzy Baroud The Palestine Chronicle
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and US President Donald Trump.
Palestinians must write their own book, one guided by the concept of national liberation, not endless negotiations; one predicated on unity, not mortifying factionalism; one that appeals to the global community, not to American handouts.

Benny Morris Reveals More About Cover-Up of The Nakba

Jonathan Ofir Mondoweiss
Morris decries the “idiocy” of the Malmab in hiding these materials, since “the whole story was told and publicized since 1988 in many books in Hebrew and English, from my pen and from others”.

Review: A Plant Closing War

Steve Early Labor Notes
At War, a new movie from Cinema Libre Studio, vividly portrays shop floor resistance to corporate power in small-town France.

The Problem With Community Land Trusts

Olivia R. Williams Jacobin
Acquiring and administering property should not be housing movements’ only goals — advocacy for affordable housing must be coupled with bottom-up control by residents.

Acosta Resigned. The Caligula Administration Lives On.

Michelle Goldberg New York Times
Even with Acosta gone, Epstein remains a living reminder of the depraved milieu from which the president sprang, and of the corruption and misogyny that continue to swirl around him.

Karl Marx Still Tells Us What to Fight For and How

Arnau Barquer Jacobin
The financial crash didn’t kill off neoliberalism — it actually embedded its logic ever deeper in our lives. Marxist geographer David Harvey says the only way to end this system for good is to change how we fight it.