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EXCLUSIVE: Egyptian Officials Threatened Morsi Days Before Death

David Hearst The Middle East Eye
Qusted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi.
Deposed Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi and other jailed Muslim Brotherhood members were told to disband the group or face the consequences. Morsi refused to recognize the coup’s legitimacy or disband the Brotherhood. Within days he was dead.

The Second Democratic Debate

Robert L. Borosage The Nation
Bernie Really Has Transformed the Party. His ideas now frame the debate in the Democratic Party—an extraordinary victory for progressives

Fever Pitch

Craig Sandler Public Citizen
A Surge in Opposition Lobbying and Advocacy Validates the Credibility of the Medicare for All Movement

Justice Kagan’s Gerrymandering Dissent

Andy Kroll Rolling Stone
The liberal justice blasted the Supreme Court’s conservatives for abdicating their duty and putting American democracy in danger

Planning from Below

Marta Harnecker and José Bartolomé Monthly Review
A Decentralized Participatory Planning Proposal

Does Anyone 'Deserve' to Be a Billionaire?

Sam Pizzigati
Most of the candidates for the Democratic Presidential nomination seem to have no problem with the presence of grand private fortunes

Friday Nite Videos | June 28, 2019

The Investigation: A Search for the Truth in Ten Acts. Prophets Of Rage | Made With Hate. The Amazing Brains and Morphing Skin of Octopuses. AOC, Tiffany Cabán and the Struggle for a People's DA in Queens. These Photos Ended Child Labor in the US.