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Tidbits - May 23, 2019 - Reader Comments: Italy Unions Refuse to Load Saudi Ship; Venezuela Eyewitness Report; Strange Workings of Identity and Adolph Reed Jr.; Boeing Allowed to Decide What Planes Are Safe?; Announcements; more...

Reader Comments: Italy Unions Refuse to Load Saudi Ship; Eyewitness Report: Venezuela Up Close; The Strange Workings of Identity and Adolph Reed Jr.; Boeing Allowed to Decide What Planes Are Safe?; Socialism; Announcements - Chicago, New York, DC

Rhiannon Giddens and What Folk Music Means

John Jeremiah Sullivan The New Yorker
Rhiannon Giddens's multicultural background has presented particular challenges of self-definition. She is an artist of color who plays and records what she describes as "black non-black music," reviving a forgotten history.

Donald Trump's Sneak Attack on Social Security

Nancy J. Altman Independent Media Institute
"Chained CPI" might sound technical and boring, but anyone who has closely followed the Social Security debate knows better. It has long been proposed as a deceptive, hard-to-understand way to cut our earned Social Security benefits.

Trump's Trade War With China Is Waged to Make the Rich Richer

Dean Baker Truthout
Donald Trump seems determined to double down and keep pressing forward on his trade war with China. He promises more and higher tariffs, not realizing that U.S. consumers are the ones paying these taxes - not China's government or corporations.

Global Left Midweek - May 22, 2019

Elections: India, Philippines, South Africa, EU * Europe's Social Democrats * Gay Marriage in Taiwan * Brazil vs Bolisaro * Iran's Working Class

Media Bits and Bytes - May 21, 2019

Breaking up big tech; Internet iron curtain; Ditching the social network; Vaccinating against fake news; Big media, little media; Going indie; WhatsApp hacked

The Yellow Vests of France: Six Months of Struggle

Richard Greeman The Bullet - Socialist Project
Six months ago, on November 17, 2018, Yellow Vests burst ‘out of nowhere’, with autonomous local units springing up all over France like mushrooms. The immediate cause was to protest an unfair tax on fuel, but demands expanded quickly...