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The Case for African American Reparations

Joe R. Feagin The Conversation
Slavery lasted for nearly 250 years. Counting the nearly century-long Jim Crow segregation of African Americans, officially sanctioned racial oppression encompassed more than 80% of U.S. history.

Joe Biden, MAGA Democrat?

Josh Voorhees Josh Voorhees
Why the former vice president needs voters to believe America was great before Trump ruined it

Friday Nite Videos | April 26, 2019

Hasan Applies for a Job at the CIA. 'Slay the Dragon' Explores Gerrymandering. Sanders More Electable Than Biden, According to Dem Primaries. New Human Species Found in the Philippines. Fox News Judge: Trump Committed Obstruction Of Justice.

U.S. Out of Everywhere - The case for an immediate withdrawal

Azadeh Shahshahani In These Times
The case for an immediate withdrawal from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. It is time to revive the anti-war movement in the U.S. in order to push the political establishment to abandon its imperialist policies and white-savior tendencies.