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Stop the Construction of U.S. Military Base in Henoko!

Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases
The airstrip will endanger the people, despoil a pristine environment and destroy endangered sea life, including the last few dugong (a marine mammal related to the manatee)...

First Step Act Has Sinister Implications for the Poor and Marginalized

Candice Bernd Truthout
The modest sentence reductions in the bill are so narrow that veteran reform advocates say the long-term, harmful provisions of the legislation — including its reliance on racist risk assessment mechanisms and expansion of electronic monitoring...

America’s Mixed Messages This Time at Sea

Karen J. Greenberg TomDispatch
In the twenty-first-century version of war American-style, other ships have become the very image and essence of hardship and harm in ways that violate the most basic tenets of democracy and justice.

Why Saudi Arabia is Waging a War on Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

Mohammad H. Fadel Middle East Eye
Ilhan Omar (l), and Rashida Tlaib, the first Muslim women elected to the US Congress.
The willingness of Saudi Arabia and its Arab allies to embrace American Islamophobia in their attacks on two progressive Muslim-American women, and others, reveals the deep schism between the autocracies of the Arab world and their expatriates.