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Georgia Denies Migrants Equal Access to Higher Education

Laura Emiko Soltis and Azadeh Shahshahani Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Atlanta Journal-Constitution Op-Ed asks Georgia to reconsider the educational limits it places on undocumented students. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares all people everywhere have certain inalienable rights - but not in Georgia.

6 Times the Environment Won in 2018

Zoya Teirstein Grist
Folks across the country, from local city leaders to state attorneys general, are out there chipping away at the biggest existential threat of our time. And they’re actually getting somewhere. Here’s proof.

People of Faith Confront the Border

Sarah LaWall Our Future
Two thousand years ago, a young mother and father fled for their lives and left everything behind for the safety of their child. Their names were Mary and Joseph.

Friday Nite Videos | December 28, 2018

2018 Lesson: 'Nothing Matters' Is Bogus. 'Weird Al' Yankovic - Party In The CIA. Springsteen on Broadway. Vice | Movie. Tumblr CEO: No More Porn.