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Media Bits and Bytes - Red Alert Edition

Year end casualty count; Where the bodies are buried; Another press martyr; Wormy Apple; Bloodshot eye on sexism; NPR sausage recipe; Hazen out

Coates and West in Jackson

Robin D. G. Kelley Boston Review
For my part, I see value in putting Coates’s and West’s perspectives in dialogue. To be clear, I am not interested in repeating or endorsing West’s critique here, and Coates needs no one to defend him, certainly not me. I believe that the reconciliation of their respective insights might open new directions.

10 Good Things About a TERRIBLE Year

Medea Benjamin Counterpunch
With so many good people feeling depressed, let’s point to the positive things that happened, even in this really, really bad year.

The Future Is ‘Radical Reproductive Justice’

Regina Mahone Rewire
book cover
"RJ is a model not just for women of color, nor just for achieving reproductive freedom. RJ is a model for organizing for human equality and well-being," writes author Dorothy Roberts in her foreword to the new anthology.

Taking Russia’s Stark Warning on North Korea Seriously

Tim Shorrock Lobe Log
Sergey Lavrov
As the US media obsesses about Russia’s involvement in the U.S. elections, it is ignoring nearly everything else about the Putin government’s role in the world. But recent warnings from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that the Trump administration is dangerously escalating the North Korean crisis deserve serious attention.