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Major Decisions Face Québec Solidaire at its Forthcoming Congress

Richard Fidler Socialist Project
Of particular interest is adoption of a proposed international policy for Québec solidaire based on the principles of opposition to imperialism and solidarity with the exploited and oppressed around a global justice (altermondialiste) agenda. The resolution has been debated for more than a year by the QS membership.

Re-Examining the Chelsea Manning Saga As Prison Term Ends

WhoWhatWhy Staff WhoWhatWhy
“In an ideal world, governments, corporations, and other large institutions would be transparent by default. Unfortunately, the world is not ideal. Many institutions begin a slow creep toward being opaque and we need people who recognize that.” — Chelsea Manning

Friday Nite Videos -- May 19, 2017

Fox News Doesn't Get the Comey Memo. Comedians Have Figured Out the Trick to Covering Trump. Watergate Prosecutor: Well on Our Way to Impeachment of President Trump. The Activists: Documentary. How to Close Guantanamo Under Trump.

Tidbits - May 18, 2017 - Reader Comments: Comey Firing, Trump Base, Family Trump, Afghan Escalation, Sessions' Dept. of Injustice; Poor Prisons; Solidarity Statement for Yale Graduate Union; Resistance Summer; Chelsea is Free; and more...

Reader Comments: Comey, Trumpism, Family Trump, Afghan Escalation, Sessions' Dept. of Injustice; Poor Prisons; People's History - Henry Wallace; The Man Who Never Returned; The Investigator; Solidarity Statement for Yale Graduate Union - Add Your Name; Announcements: Resistance Summer; Chelsea is Free; Seattle Labor History Mural; 80th Commemoration of Republic Steel Massacre; Book Tours: In the Fields of the North; The Syriza Wave; Left Forum Opening Plenary additions