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Greensboro City Workers Form a Union

Eric Fink Yes! Weekly
Moderators note: In North Carolina it is illegal for a public employee union to bargain or negotiate a contract with the workers employer.

Stiglitz: Trumpian Uncertainty

Joseph E. Stiglitz Project Syndicate
Fire-breathing rhetoric, or raving three a.m. tweets, may assuage the anger of those left behind by the Reagan revolution, at least for a while. But for how long? And what happens then?

Trump: The Bully in Charge

Gary Younge The Guardian
To watch him take the oath was to bear witness to democracy’s fragility.

Friday Nite Videos -- January 20, 2017

The WERD: Thanks, Obama.Talkin' Bout A Revolution. How to Trump-Proof Your Life. Obamacare in Trump Country. Erosion – Donald Trump vs Global Warming.