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Making 'Our Revolution' Ours

John Atcheson Common Dreams
Many of the concerns progressives have about OR were outlined in a petition released by the Bernie Delegates Network on Tuesday entitled, "Support and Improve 'Our Revolution.'" One particularly important one was the omission of anything about the essentially neocon foreign and Defense policy that dominates establishment politics. Another is whether OR will support only Democrats or whether it will also support third party candidates.

Time to Stand Up to Apple

Robert Reich Robert Reich blog
Designs, software, and patented ideas, which are at the core of Apple's business model, are a perfect vehicle for tax avoidance.

What a Black Lives Matter Economic Agenda Looks Like

Jannell Ross Washington Post
Even a good job creation/infrastructure bill must include "targeted" language to ensure that funds flow into black communities, and community residents have access to those jobs.

Socialize the EpiPen

Adam Gaffney Jacobin
My proposed solution to the EpiPen mess follows this line of thought: essentially, bust the damn patent. Or, at least, the US government should threaten to bust the patent, and we should then watch the price fall faster than you can jab yourself in the thigh with an adrenaline-filled pen.

Friday Nite Videos -- September 2, 2016

Your Dog Understands More Than You Think. The Good Old Days (featuring Donald Trump & the Greensboro 4). What Would It Take To Power The United States With Solar Energy? Georgetown Makes Amends for Profiting From Slavery. Standoff at Standing Rock.

"I Didn't Serve, I Was Used": How Veterans Are Losing the War at Home

Ann Jones TomDispatch
A friend of mine, a Vietnam vet, told me about a veteran of the Iraq War who, when some civilian said, "Thank you for your service," replied: "I didn't serve, I was used." That got me thinking about the many ways today's veterans are used, conned, and exploited by big gamers right here at home.

Tidbits - September 1, 2016 - Reader Comments: Lots of good stuff-. Black Lives Matter; Fannie Lou Hamer; Single-Payer; BLM and Palestine; Oil Industry; James Brown; Sex Workers?; The Left-Wing of the Possible; and much more...

Reader Comments: Lots of good stuff this week. What Does Black Lives Matter Want; Single-Payer Healthcare System Is Inevitable?; BLM and Palestine Solidarity; Oil Industry and Peak Oil; James Brown; Sex Workers?; and much more... Announcements: Triangle Fire opera; Women 9/11 First Responders Panel Discussion; The Left-Wing of the Possible - How Can the Sanders' Phenomenon Transform American Politics; Protect Pacifica Archives; Labor, Islam, and War...

An Academic Defense of Grad Student Unions - An Open Letter to Columbia Provost John Coatsworth

Hank Reichman Academe Blog
As a proud Columbia alum (College '69) and an officer of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) I was excited to learn of the NLRB's decision last week. However, I was shocked and, frankly, disgusted to read your condescending and arrogant message to the campus community. As one graduate student put it, your letter 'simply encourages graduate workers to eschew this newly right, like telling workers management will look to their interests.'

Slavery and the National Anthem: The Surprising History Behind Colin Kaepernick's Protest

AJ Willingham
Jackie Robinson, writing in 1972: I cannot stand and sing the anthem. I cannot salute the flag. I know that I am a black man in a white world. Jim Brown, the Cleveland Browns Hall of Fame running backin 2016 said he stands '100 percent' behind Colin Kaepernick. Further, Kaepernick 'made all the sense in the world' in explaining his position. This is part of a long tradition of athletes, especially African American athletes combining sport and protest. (* ESPN)