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The Re-Emergence of Social Cleansing in El Salvador

Carlos A. Rosales and Ana Leonor Morales OpenDemocracy
El Salvador is now the most violent country in the world. Youth is killing youth, the state is in turmoil, death squads and extrajudicial killings are on the rise. More than 6,670 people were killed in 2015, primarily in clashes between rival gangs and between gangs and the security forces. And the U.S., which exported the gang culture to El Salvador, including the most violent gangs and most hardened gang members, owes El Salvador yet another “moral debt.”

Austerity Unbroken

Alp Kayserilioglu & Jannis Milios Jacobin
Syriza was elected a year ago today, only to retreat in the face of European pressure. Is there a way forward for the Greek left?

UN Experts Catalog Seemingly Endless List of Racial Discrimination in US

Andrea Germanos Common Dreams
"Despite substantial changes since the end of the enforcement of Jim Crow and the fight for civil rights, ideology ensuring the domination of one group over another continues to negatively impact the civil, political, economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights of African Americans today,"

Dangerous Regulatory Duet

Corporate Europe Observatory
How transatlantic regulatory cooperation under TTIP will allow bureaucrats and big business to attack the public interest.

Does the Bern Go Deep Enough?

Mike Konczal The Nation
Bernie Sanders' plan would break up the biggest banks. But strong banking reform could do more. Here are three ways he can make his plan a real threat to the finance industry.

The Flint Disaster Is Rick Snyder’s Fault

Dana Milbank Washington Post
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder undertook an arrogant public-policy experiment, underpinned by the ideological assumption that the “experience set” of corporate-style managers was superior to the checks and balances of democracy. This is why Flint happened.

Friday Nite Videos -- January 29, 2016

Stephen Colbert Moderates An All-Trump Debate. Jefferson Airplane: Crown of Creation. Planned Parenthood Indictments: Seth Meyers. Sesame Street With Donald Grump. An American Disaster: The Crisis in Flint.