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Federal Judge Guts The Nationwide Ban On Housing Discrimination

Ian Millhiser ThinkProgress
A federal district court judge, in a recent ruling that could well presage a similar decision by the U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority, disallowed the use of one of the primary tools for proving housing discrimination. If allowed to stand, the ruling would devastate the ability of fair housing advocates to prove discrimination by a realtor, landlord or lender.

NATO’s Plan to Train Libyan Soldiers: A Disaster From the Start

Chris Stephen and Ewen MacAskill The Guardian
Stung by criticism the NATO alliance “walked away” from Libya after its bombing campaign helped overthrow Muammar Gaddafi, British Prime Minister David Cameron announced an agreement at the 2013 G8 summit to train the reconstituted Libyan armed forces. But the scheme for the UK, US, Italy and Turkey to train recruits has been beset with problems, including who is going to pay for it. Some trainees have returned to Libya and joined anti-government militias.

The Temple Mount Movement Has Nothing to Do With Civil Rights

Larry Derfner +972 Magazine
Following the murder attempt on right-wing activist Yehuda Glick, leader of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation, the claim is being made that he and his colleagues have been leading a civil rights movement for Jews. The Temple Mount movement has never been a movement for religious equality or peaceful coexistence. And continued efforts to change the status quo at the al-Aqsa Mosque could lead to catastrophe.

Voter Suppression in 2014

Sean McElwee Demos
The number of people disenfranchised often exceeded the margin of victory.

Make Election Day a National Holiday

Bernie Sanders Bernie Buzz
Sen. Bernie Sanders has proposed a bill to designate "Democracy Day" as a national election holiday to make it easier for Americans to vote.

Friday Nite Videos -- November 7, 2014

Election Day: Money vs Ideas. The Bus Boys: The Minimum Wage Song. First Anti-Corruption Act in US History Passes. James Randi: Homeopathy, Quackery and Fraud. How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain.

Tidbits - November 6, 2014

Reader Comments- 2014 Elections; Jim Crow Returns; Toni Morrison, Angela Davis; U.S. Used 1,000 Nazis; Syrian Labyrinth; Draft Could Be Next; Responses to Joel Klein; Nobel Peace Laureates Call Full Torture Disclosure; Activists Block an Israeli Shipping Ship; Women of Afghanistan; Saudi Arabia and ISIS; Fukushima; Announcements-Miners Shot Down-Film Screening-Nov 10; Elections-Who Won? Who Lost?-Nov 14; Folk music greats honor David Amram-Nov 20; PM Press Book Sale

NY Times calls for exchange of Cuban Five and Alan Gross

New York Times Editorial Board New York Times
In an editorial published in the print edition of the New York Times, Monday, Nov. 3, 2014, in English and Spanish (appearing online the evening of Sun. Nov. 2), the Editorial Board has called for a prisoner exchange of the three remaining members of the Cuban Five for Alan Gross, who is serving a 15-year sentence in Cuba.