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N.C. Governor No Longer Works for Duke Energy, But After Coal Spill, Is He Doing Their Bidding?

Juan Gonzalez and Amy Goodman Democracy Now!
In one of the worst coal ash spills in U.S. history, up to 27 million gallons of contaminated water and 82,000 tons of coal ash spilled into North Carolina’s Dan River after a pipe burst underneath a waste pond. Did state regulators intentionally block lawsuits against Duke Energy in order to shield the company where Republican Gov. Pat McCrory worked for 28 years?

Thoughts on a Bernie Sanders Run

Bill Fletcher, Jr. The Progressive
... if the candidate has a real mass base, is building a broad progressive front around a clear, transformational program, and sees the candidacy as one step in a multitiered process, then it might be worth going for it.

Remember a President for Free Labor

Mark Lause Labor Online (Labor and Working-Class History Association)
During the Civil War, strikers and other workers with grievances found a sympathetic ear in the White House and a willingness to use what Lincoln saw as the limited power of his office to allow for a fair contest in disputes between labor and management...

The Economics of Love and Loneliness

Sam Pizzigati Too Much
Why aren't Cupid's arrows hitting their lovelorn targets the way they once did? New research points to our growing economic divide.