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Friday Nite Videos -- Jan 24, 2014

Sarah Silverman Is Visited by Jesus Christ. 'War' by Edwin Starr. NASA | Earthrise: The 45th Anniversary. Old South vs. New South: The 3rd Reconstruction. Documentary: 'Dancing In Jaffa.'

Trans-Pacific Trade Deal is Bad for Working Americans

U.S. Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva, Special to Arizona Daily Star Arizona Daily Star (Tucson)
Fast track or not, TPP is a bad deal for the country. You'll hear a lot in the coming days about free trade creating jobs. Never mind the rhetoric. The first question you should ask is, "Who's going to get rich?" The short answer is: not you. This "deal" is just the latest example of corporate interests stacking the deck against working families. It's happened before, and it's happening again under our noses.

Who has little, let them have less

Marge Piercy Monthly Review - January 2014
New poem from Marge Piercy, how the rich and the rich in Congress despise and hate the poor..."If they could push a button, if they could war on the poor here at home as they do abroad directly with bombs instead of legislation, think they'd hesitate?"

Thank You, Portside Readers

A message from the Portside Moderators Portside
Once again our readers have come through in support of Portside.

Scarlett Johansson, SodaStream & the Superbowl

Nancy Kricorian; Interfaith Boycott Coalition; Assoc Press
Actress Scarlett Johansson is an Oxfam Goodwill Ambassador and the new Global Brand Ambassador for SodaStream - the Israeli manufacturer. Their main production facility is in the industrial zone of Mishor Edomin, an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank. An international boycott is being waged by The Interfaith Boycott Coalition - a group of individuals from faith-based organizations and institutions who share a common goal of bringing justice to the Palestinians.

Tidbits - January 23, 2014

Reader Comments - ACTION NEEDED - Stop Iraq Executions; Voting Rights Act; Martin Luther King and Nonviolence; Our Postal Commons; De Blasio's Election; Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA; Tuition-Free Public College Education; New Orleans Teachers and Katrina; Announcements: Muste Institute 40th Anniversary concert; South Africa Today - Online Meeting; Book Talk-Red Apple: Communism and McCarthyism in Cold War New York; Vandenberg's Role in US Global Domination

In Memory of Dr. King: Stand Up for those Without Work

Carl Bloice, Black Commentator Editorial Board The Black Commentator
On the line are the lives of decent hardworking Americans, trying to cross over into the dignity of work but still caught in the barbwire of an historic global recession. The jobless rate for young African Americans (16-19 years old) was 35.5 percent in December.

Netanyahu vs. the Spooks

Carl Bloice Foreign Policy in Focus
Right-wing Israeli politicians like to boast about their country’s famed intelligence service, but they've gotten good at ignoring it when it tells them things they don't want to hear.