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US-Style School Reform Goes South

David Bacon The Nation
"Both have two central elements in common. They criticize public education in their countries, and they're financed and backed by important people in the business world."

BitTorrent Premieres New Live Streaming Platform

Ernesto Torrent Freak
Bittorrent has just released a new streaming service, BitTorrent Live, to the public. The goal is to make it possible for the public to send video to thousands of people, all over the world. From dissidents reporting on uprisings to soccer moms who want to send video of a game to family and friends, everyone is included. Bittorrent Inc's Justin Knoll says, “We’re aiming for this to be a democratization of streaming technology.”

Heresy Hunters Rule CPAC, and GOProud, Chris Christie Need Not Apply

Michael Moynihan The Daily Beast
Ideological purity! Patriots only! The heresy hunters of this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference sniffed out and rejected those who aren’t ‘suitably’ right wing, like Chris Christie and GOProud. It’ll ensure the same losing result, writes Michael Moynihan.

Method and Madness in Science and Art

Johanna Kieniewicz Public Library of Science
What are the implications for art and science collaborations? Despite popular perception, there are many similarities in the ways that artists and scientists approach their work. Ultimately, the methods and the products may be different, but if there is a mutual interest in, and respect for, the ‘other’ side’s practices, then these sorts of collaborations are likely to succeed. Through this kind of exchange, artists and scientists can learn from one another.

Friday Nite Videos -- March 15, 2013

The man behind the 47% video comes forward. Three good reasons why we should raise the minimum wage. Detroit drivers stage mass civil disobedience to protest disenfranchisement. Movie: Pink smoke over the Vatican.

Well Done, Brother Herb Shapiro

Staughton Lynd History News Network
Staughton Lynd's tribute to Herbert Shapiro, fellow historian and staunch civil rights and anti-racist activist.

Corporate-Approved State Bills Kick Low-Wage Workers While they're Down

Michelle Chen Working In These Times / In These Times
President Obama called for a modest raise in the federal minimum wage to $9, and several Democratic legislators have upped his bid with a proposed increase to $10.10. But an insidious effort to lower the wage floor is already underway much closer to the ground - in the state legislatures. Among the proposals are measures to undercut minimum wages for teenage workers, restrict overtime pay and repeal or ban local laws to improve working conditions.