As a socialist and internationalist, I abhor war. But the basic premise of self-determination justifies the resistance of ordinary Ukrainians to Vladimir Putin’s brutal invasion of our country.
Alzheimer’s might not be primarily a brain disease. Studying beta-amyloids as abnormal proteins that cause Alzheimer’s disease has not translated into a useful drug or therapy. A new theory suggests it’s an autoimmune condition.
The death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, while in the custody of Iranian morals police, has sparked a new wave of street demands for democracy. Iranian rulers are targeting the population they are most scared of: Women.
Trump is locked in to the special master process with Judge Dearie. And it’s pretty clear that the Eleventh Circuit isn’t prepared to jettison all that stuff about the unitary executive for some bloviating nitwit.
T**** Confuses Hannity With Wild Mar-a-Lago Excuse. The 10 Tactics of Fascism | Jason Stanley. Yanis Varoufakis on Europe’s Energy Crisis, Ukraine, the Queen’s Death. Rep. Raskin Blows the Roof Off the House. Armageddon Time | Movie.
Reader Comments: Kidnapping Immigrants; Railroad Workers and Railroad Profits; Religion; Ukraine War; Sweden; My Revolutionary Inspiration, Barbara Ehrenreich; New Book: Frank Emspak, Troublemaker; The Worker-Led Upsurge: Amazon and Starbucks; more
Long before Speaker Pelosi's plane touched down on, relations between China and the United States had been on a downward spiral. Isn’t it time to set aside the blame game and resume talks on measures that could reduce the risk of violent conflict?
A heated argument is taking place about the morality, benefit, and value of traveling to Palestine to witness firsthand what Palestinians are facing in the context of prolonged Israeli military occupation.
The only just future for my home is not statehood, but full independence from the United States. But the future of a free Puerto Rico doesn’t need to be utopian, or easy, to be just.
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