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Why Was John F. Kennedy Assassinated?

Michael Steven Smith and Jim Lafferty Hollywood Progressive
Oliver Stone’s new documentary film presents a full and meticulously constructed presentation of the physical evidence which clearly supports his assassination conspiracy theory.

Where MLK’s Vision Is Starting to Be Realized

Sherryll Cashin Politico
Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of a racially integrated America might still be far off. But some cities are finally atoning for past racial sins and enacting policies to dismantle segregation

The Filibuster Is a Plot Against Kamala Harris

Thomas Geoghegan The New Republic
The Vice President has constitutional rights, too. By a quirk of history, the plot against America is now also a plot against a Black woman’s right to vote.

Class Struggle and the Fight for Democracy: 8 Propositions

Deepak Bhargava and Harry Hanbury The Platypus
painting of a kkk  in a sheet with a gun and the words anti-jew, negro, catholic, foreigner and laborprolt    with with a
“Any analysis of race that artificially divorces it from class & racial capitalism leads us once again down a dead-end path of a little bit more for some but nothing for most of us.” - Barbara Ransby