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Republicans are Taking Their Terror Campaign to the Next Level

Lindsay Beyerstein AlterNet
In addition to elections officials across the country being subjected to death threats from voters who have been duped by the Big Lie of election fraud, Wisconsin Republicans are now threatening them with felony charges.

Cuba’s Vaccine Could End Up Saving Millions of Lives

Branko Marcetic Jacobin
Thanks to its public biotech sector and its government’s deep commitment to public health, Cuba is now the only low-income country to have made its own COVID vaccine, and it's poised to help millions around the world.

Five Reasons the Left Won in Venezuela

Leonardo Flores CODEPINK
These include good governance in health, housing and food, an improving economic situation, a (mostly) united left, a divided opposition, and an opposition that is extremely unpopular.

With Reformers Victorious, It’s a New Day for the Teamsters

Indigo Olivier Jacobin
The rank-and-file reform slate Teamsters United has secured victory in the union’s internal election. Its agenda is modest: bargain hard against UPS, organize Amazon, push the PRO Act, and revitalize the labor movement.

Media’s Anti-‘Woke’ Mania Moves Social Justice to the Fringe

Ari Paul FAIR
The media equation between “woke” and anything vaguely in the realm of social justice allows the right to paint moderate liberal ideas as fringe—an East Coast and California counterculture that is woefully out of step with straight white America.