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Happy Striketober. Let's Restore the Legal Right to Strike.

Shaun Richman In These Times
Now’s the perfect time to fight for the right to return to a job once a strike is over. The United States is experiencing a wave of worker militancy and a White House that actually wants to take concrete actions to defend and grow labor unions.

Songs of Justice, Songs of Power

Tom Morello New York Times
Defiant and hopeful, these songs have an unapologetic mission: to fan the flames of discontent by lifting the spirits of those fighting for a more just and humane planet. The songs live on wherever working people stand up for their rights...

Beef Has Issues. This Seattle Steakhouse Agrees.

Brett Anderson The New York Times
The Bateau Steakhouse aims to reinvent the steak restaurant by showing how to sidestep the waste and environmental damage caused by the meat industry.

Bernie Sanders Is Showing the Democrats How to Take on Joe Manchin

Luke Savage Jacobin
For months, Bernie Sanders has been making a case for the multitrillion-dollar reform bill he’s spearheaded in the Senate. Now, he’s taken that case to Joe Manchin’s home turf in West Virginia — and is facing backlash from the mainstream media.