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A hard loss and a triumph: Berlin Bulletin No. 196

Victor Grossman Monthly Review Online
The big questions are now: can the Left become a street and shop level fighter in coming struggles? Can it maintain its positions against armaments and military interference around the globe?

The Verdict on Vaccine Mandates: They Work

Sharon Otterman and Joseph Goldstein New York Times
Faced with a New York State mandate to get vaccinated in order to hold their jobs, thousands of N.Y. hospital and nursing home workers got vaccinated ahead of the deadline.

Manchin: One Mean Megalomaniac

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Manchin's modest proposal would means-test all new programs and put spending caps on all existing programs. In short, Manchin wants to diminish not just the quantity of necessary social investments, but their quality as well.

Friday Nite Videos | October 1, 2021

Rudy Giuliani Is Banned From Fox News, But Not From the Late Show! Congresswomen Share Personal Abortion Stories. Joe Manchin's Yacht Surrounded by West Virginian Protesters. Amazon Empire. Beethoven Xth Symphony: The AI Project.

Tidbits - Sept. 30, 2021 - Reader Comments: Save the Postal Service; Film and Television Workers; Renewable Energy; Berlin Votes to Expropriate Apartments from Corporate Landlords; Haitian & Black Immigrants; Racial Justice and Police Misconduct;

Reader Comments: Save the Postal Service; Film and Television Workers; Renewable Energy; Berlin Votes to Expropriate Apartments from Corporate Landlords; Haitian & Black Immigrants Toolkit; Racial Justice and Police Misconduct resource; more....

Invest In the Public Now

Zephyr Teachout Albany Times Union
New York’s economic development policy was all about developing the pocketbooks of campaign donors and leaving working class and poor New Yorkers behind, cutting out small businesses, favoring cronies, leaving communities struggling for resources.