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Pandemic Aid Programs Spur a Record Drop in Poverty

Jason DeParle New York Times
The most comprehensive study yet of the federal response to the pandemic shows huge but temporary benefits for the poor — and helps frame a larger debate over the role of government.

Activists Urge Congress to Expand Medicare

Jake Johnson Common Dreams
"As a doctor I can tell you: Your eyes, your ears, and your teeth are connected to your body. I did not have to go to medical school to tell y'all this, but apparently I do have to tell Congress this."

The Ku Klux Klan Was Also a Bosses’ Association

Chad Pearson Jacobin
The KKK should be understood not just as a white supremacist organization, but as an employers’ organization: it violently resisted the revolutionary gains of the Civil War and Reconstruction, and sought to keep the black masses toiling in submission

Friday Nite Videos | July 30, 2021

Housing Discrimination. All the Streets Are Silent | Trailer. Capitol Police Officer Recalls Racial Abuse on Jan. 6. How Do People Get Sucked Into Online Conspiracies… and Find a Way Out? Why the US Army Tried to Exterminate the Bison.