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Friday Nite Videos | March 5, 2021

Police Raids | John Oliver. You With Us? F.T.A. Re-Release | Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland. Invest in Our New York 2021. Dr. Seuss Is Not Cancelled. It's Just Time to Retire Books With Racist Imagery.

Surprise on the Left - Report on the Die Linke German Congress

Victor Grossman Portside
The LINKE party in Germany is one of the most important left-wing parties in Europe (perhaps the most important). Its congress a few days ago avoided a threatening split, elected two women as new co-chairs, and stressed militant unity on most issues

The Deep South Has a Rich History of Resistance, as Amazon Is Learning

Jamelle Bouie New York Times
The South is more than its shading on an Electoral College map; the entire region is home to a rich history of resistance against the twin forces of race hierarchy and class exploitation. The Amazon workers union campaign is part of that history.

Organizing the Multiracial Working Class

Maurice Mitchell The American Prospect
If working people fail to see real material distinctions between life under Trump and life under Biden, they’ll look for an alternative to the party in power.

Bill Gates Can’t Save the Planet

Grace Blakeley Jacobin
Bill Gates is making the rounds promoting his plan to solve climate change. But his new book ignores the fact that the same capitalist system that made him rich is the one killing the planet. We need a working-class environmentalism.

Right to Work Defeated in Montana and Colorado

Brian Young ucommblog
In Montana, union members from around the state came to the Capitol to pressure lawmakers into voting against the bill. However, a Right to Work bill continues forward in New Hampshire