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Hank Aaron Was More Than a Man Who Hit Home Runs

Robert Greene II Jacobin
Hank Aaron will be remembered for his astonishing achievements as one of the all-time great baseball players, not least because he broke Babe Ruth’s home run record. But Aaron also ceaselessly fought to defend black people in a hostile racist society

Indirect Deaths

Andrea Mazzarino TomDispatch
book cover
The Massive and Unseen Costs of America’s Post-9/11 Wars at Home and Abroad.

For Hope, Look South

Nelson Perez-Olney The Stansbury Forum
man standing on Pettus Bridge
Every part of this country, north south east and west, owes its origin and wealth to our “peculiar institution” as well as other less notorious programs of government sanctioned/ignored exploitation and murder of the poor, immigrants, women.

Who's funding the Senate's Sedition Caucus?

Sue Sturgis Facing South
Elected officials leading sedition movement
Among the 16 senators in all who were part of the effort to overturn the presidential election, rank of lawyers and lobbyists among the top industry contributors to their campaigns, according to the latest data from