The Philippines has long relied on the remittances of its more than 2 million Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), without concerning itself with their reintegration. Now
COVID-19 has exposed the deep-seated cracks in its labor export-based economy.
As he prepared to march through Kenosha, Justin Blake had his own message: “We do not want you to leave here not fully understanding that the Blake family, one day, will get justice.”
New Mexico’s reliance on oil and gas makes it extremely vulnerable to the industry’s boom and bust cycle, and has not led to good outcomes in education and social welfare. Now some of New Mexico’s leading economists say it’s time to change course.
We are at a turning point. Despite Trump’s defeat, internationally the forces of the right promote rampant free-market economics, racism and militarism to protect a failed status quo. This year we need to promote the alternative.
It was a story he had chosen not to tell — until 2015, when he sat for a four-hour interview, promised that this account would not be published while he was alive.
This violence was fomented in the open, and not for the first time. Right-wing activists have made a habit of organizing in the open and galvanizing supporters to express their desire for violent confrontation.
Rebecca Kaplan, Kathryn Watson, Grace Segers
CBS News
The bill has nearly 160 cosponsors, a sign of the broad support among House Democrats to take action in the wake of the violence at the Capitol. It says Trump should be removed and disqualified from holding public office again.
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