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The Marketisation of Truth

Marcus Gilroy-Ware Red Pepper
The marketisation of everything normalised the very real possibility that behind every communication, every representation, every action within any public sphere, was an undisclosed agenda of private gain.

These Stories Aren’t Heartwarming They’re an Indictment of the System

Nathan J. Robinson Current Affairs
A nurse in Los Angeles talks to an ABC news reporter.
The news is filled with “uplifting” human interest tales of workers walking six miles and nurses scrounging up sick leave. Injustice is so normalized that stories that should be enraging indictments of the system pass for heartwarming vignettes.

Biden’s International 'Summit for Democracy' Not a Very Good Idea

David Adler and Stephen Wertheim The Guardian
Then US Vice-President Joe Biden and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Germany in 2015.
To undo the damage Trump has wrought at home and abroad, the US must move past outdated foreign policy ideas and resist traveling further down a failed course that divides the world into hostile camps, and prioritizes confrontation over cooperation.

No, Joe, Don’t Roll out the Red Carpet for Torture Enablers

Medea Benjamin and Marcy Winograd Portside
We need intelligence leaders who acknowledge that torture is illegal under international law; that it is inhumane; that it is ineffective; that it puts at risk U.S. military personnel captured by adversaries.

Friday Nite Videos | December 25, 2020

The True Story Behind Ma Rainey's Black Bottom. Merry Christmas Baby | Keb' Mo'. The Dissident | Are You Ready for the Truth? "Twas The Coup Before Christmas". AlphaFold: The Making of a Scientific Breakthrough.