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Tidbits - Sept, 3, 2020 - Reader Comments: NBA Strike for Justice and Black Lives Matter; Organizing on Local Issues; No Problems with Mail-in Voting in Mass. Primary; Policing Debate; Tribute to Essential Workers-this Weekend; Resources; Announcements

Reader Comments: NBA Strike for Justice and Black Lives Matter Inspires Country; Organizing on Local Issues; No Problems with Mail-in Voting in Mass. Primary; Policing Debate; Tribute to Essential Workers-Labor Day Weekend; Resources; Announcements;

From Charleston to New York and Back Again: James Campbell’s Long Reach

Adam Parker The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC)
James Campbell worked in the civil rights movement with Jack O’Dell, Bayard Rustin, Malcolm X and Bob Moses; in the theater and contributed to the influential Freedomways journal co-founded by W.E.B. and Shirley Graham Du Bois. Now at 95, a tribute.

The End of the Voter-Consumer

Jesse A. Myerson The New Republic
The work of organizing a politically legible coalition of nonvoters is functionally the same as what’s needed for the left to win elections.

The Other Swing Voter

Ibram X. Kendi The Atlantic
No one’s paying much attention to one chunk of the electorate that could prove decisive in 2020. To recognize the other swing voter is to decenter the white moderate in the body politic—where she and especially he has been positioned.

It Has Come to This: Ignore the C.D.C.

Harold Varmus and Rajiv Shah The New York Times
The agency’s new guidelines are wrong, so states have to step up on their own to suppress the coronavirus.