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The Young Eugene V. Debs

Tim Davenport, Shawn Gude Jacobin
A pair of leftist historians has undertaken compiling a six-volume collection of Eugene Debs’s writings and speeches. We spoke with one who detailed Debs’s journey from moderate young trade union leader to courageous socialist militant.

Call the Victory Women

Sophia Paslaski
In a small city in northern New England, one local nonprofit mobilizes to meet the COVID-19 crisis in its New American community.

Which Side Are ‘Liberal’ Lawyers On?

Leo Gertner American Prospect
Today, a mercenary attitude towards workers’ rights exists among many of the nation’s top lawyers, including anti-Trump, #Resistance types and high-ranking Democrats.

Trump Administration Allows Thousands of Corporations to Bypass Environmental Rules

E. Knickmeyer, C. Bussewitz, J. Flesher, M. Brown, M. Casey Associated Press/PBS
Smoke rises from a chemical plant fire after Hurricane Laura passed through Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Under the cover of the pandemic, the Trump Administration approved 3,000 requests to stop monitoring hazardous emissions and bypass health and safety rules. The missed inspections could add thousands of tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

Digging in on Issues at the Local Level Works!

Judy Atkins and David Cohen Organizing Upgrade
We decided that we would stick with the Bernie program and continue to organize on the issues. FCCPR would be on the offensive on the issues and also take defensive actions against the Trump presidency and the Republicans.