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Israeli Impunity Is Coming To An End

Maureen Clare Murphy The Electronic Intifada
The days of Israel’s impunity are dwindling as the International Criminal Court inches closer towards opening a full investigation into war crimes in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Race Is About More Than Discrimination

Bill Fletcher Jr. Monthly Review
Organized labor must adopt a different framework that starts with the difficult discussion about U.S. history . . . to lay the foundation for a different domestic and international strategy for workers’ rights and justice.

The Dignity of Labor

William P. Jones Dissent
Despite the outpouring of praise for essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, their own interests continue to come second to the broader public’s need for cheap and reliable labor.

Living and Working in the Time of the Pandemic in Pakistan

Maria Arshad Praxis Center
People in Pakistan desperately hope and long for a return to normality, but as the writer Arundhati Roy already noted: nothing could be worse than a return to the normality because that normality was unjust to its core.