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The Merits of Medicare for All Have Been Proven by this Pandemic

Sonali Kolhatkar Independent Media Insitute
There is no rosy way to view tens of thousands of dead Americans—especially in contrast with other nations that have managed to control the outbreak. In the words of one New Zealand health expert, “It really does feel like the U.S. has given up.”

Oppose Apartheid, Not Just Annexation

Chance Charley The Electronic Intifada
Paletinian woman at Isreali military checkpoint.
Far from being an “aberration” from an otherwise “democratic” Israel, the annexation plan reveals the nature of the Israeli state itself – an entity founded on settler-colonial expansion and the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian people.

The White Left Needs to Embrace Black Leadership

Barbara Ransby The Nation
While protesters hold up the simple message “Black Lives Matter,” organizers in the Movement for Black Lives make clear that this fight is as much about ending racial capitalism as it is anything else.

The Police and the Pentagon Are Bringing Our Wars Home

William J. Barber, Phyllis Bennis Foreign Policy in Focus
Thanks to years of hyper militarization, American police departments are recreating our global war zones here at home. With these weapons on our streets, our history of structural racism becomes that much deadlier.

Waiting to Vote

Hannah Klain, Kevin Morris, Max Feldman, Rebecca Ayala Brennan Center For Justice
Long waits at polling places are disruptive, disenfranchising, and all too common. Black and Latino voters are especially likely to endure them.