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'Long Past Time': House Passes DC Statehood

Julia Conley Common Dreams
"This momentum for D.C. statehood must continue—and it's now time to abolish the legislative filibuster to make D.C. statehood possible."

You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body Is a Confederate Monument

Caroline Randall Williams New York Times
I am more than half white, and none of it was consensual. White Southern men — my ancestors — took what they wanted from women they did not love, over whom they had extraordinary power, and then failed to claim their children.

Friday Nite Videos | June 26, 2020

How to Empty Seat | Sarah Cooper. The Chicks | March March. The Killing Floor (Digitally Restored) | Movie. "Quarantine Blues" | John Mclaughlin, Carlos Santana, Cindy Blackman Santana. Jamaal Bowman's Speech After Upset Defeat of 16-Term Incumbent.

Tidbits - June 25, 2020 - Reader Comments: Unite to Defeat Trump; Lynchings, Racial Violence; Trump's Arms Race; When So Many Police are Vets; Teachers Union: Cops Out of Schools; Labor and Police; McCarthyism and Black Freedom Movement; Roy Cohn; more

Reader Comments: Unite to Defeat Trump; Lynchings, Racial Violence; Trump's Arms Race; Problem When So Many Police are Vets; Teachers Union: Cops Out of Schools; Labor and Police; McCarthyism and Black Freedom Movement; Southern Communists; Roy Cohn;

The US Badly Needs a Wake-Up Call on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Brian Resnick Vox
"Years of potential life lost" is the most sobering and sad Covid-19 statistic I've seen. There are so many reasons to not be numb to the coronavirus pandemic. As we see case counts rising, we can't stay complacent. There's so much more left to lose

Tipping The Nuclear Dominoes

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Why is Trump unraveling treaties on nuclear arms? It's not just greed -- some people want to use them. The test ban did - and does - slow the development of nuclear weapons and limits their proliferation to other countries.

American Fascism: It Has Happened Here

Sarah Churchwell The New York Review of Books
Many of Trump's critics see fascist tendencies in his rhetoric glorifying violence and disregarding the rule of law, democratic processes, and civil liberties; Trump and his supporters regularly embrace traditions of American fascism themselves.