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Friday Nite Videos | May 29, 2020

Rep. Al Green Calls for 'War on Racism' in Wake of George Floyd Death. Da 5 Bloods | Spike Lee Movie. Sarah Cooper Trump Impersonation. The Legal Marijuana Industry Is Rigged | Hasan Minhaj. How Coronavirus Spreads Outdoors vs. Indoors.

Tidbits - May 28, 2020 - Reader Comments: I Can't Breathe - Again; Trump Second Term Means Tyranny; Reader's Respond on Tara Reade; Open Churches?; Vietnam; Indonesia; Chile; Nuclear Testing, Nuclear Cold War - Again; announcements; resources

Reader Comments: I Can't Breathe - Again; Trump Second Term Means Tyranny; Reader's Respond on Tara Reade; Open Churches?; Vietnam; Indonesia; Chile; Nuclear Testing, Nuclear Cold War - Again; Resources; Events:COVID and mass incarceration; June 20th

Crumbs for the Hungry but Windfalls for the Rich

Nicholas Kristof The New York Times
Billions are going to zillionaires under the guise of pandemic relief. While President Trump and his allies in Congress seek to tighten access to food stamps, they are showing compassion for one group: zillionaires.

Debunking the New York Times Story on Mexico and COVID

Kurt Hackbarth
Powerful interests, both national and international, are attempting to use the COVID crisis as a means to step up their campaign against Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).