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Koch-Funded Think Tanks Are Lobbying to Send Workers to Their Deaths

Sarah Lazare Working In These Times
Amid this crisis, a small army of right-wing think tanks and conservative organizations is cynically invoking the plight of the downtrodden to make the case for swiftly reopening the economy and sending workers into deadly conditions.

COVID-19 Will Kill More People Worldwide Due to Water Shortages

José Luis Granados Ceja Truthout
people wearing masks at fire hyrant
“The global struggle against the pandemic has little chance to succeed if personal hygiene, the main measure to prevent contagion, is unavailable to the 2.2 billion persons who have no access to safe water services.”

Belly of the Beast: Cuba’s Untold Stories

Reed Lindsay The New York Review of Books
Cuban doctor putting on mask
In the last month, more than a thousand Cuban doctors and nurses have traveled to twenty countries to join the global battle against Covid-19. There’s historical precedence for this.

All We Have Is Each Other – Of Crime and Sports

Gary Phillips The Stansbury Forum
Yeah, these bastards plan to shoot eightball while we perish. Certainly these bunkers must come with vaults for the fat cats to put their cash and jewels in what with banks failing as civilization collapses.

What’s Super Popular? Voting by Mail.

John Nichols The Nation
Congressional Democrats must recognize that Americans want this change, and bargain hard for the $4 billion that will assure safe and fair elections.