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The Workers Our Coronavirus Debate Is Leaving Out

Sarah Lazare and Adam Johnson Jacobin
The media and the Democratic Party establishment’s singular focus on paid sick leave leaves out millions of contract and informal workers. We need to think much bigger — now.

Abolitionist Steps to Combat COVID-19 Behind Bars

Critical Resistance Critical Resistance
As communities across the world are confronting the serious toll of COVID-19..., we at Critical Resistance want to amplify the grave concerns facing the imprisoned population, which is one of the most vulnerable groups in this time.

Big Changes Ahead: Let’s Be the Whirlwind

Max Elbaum Organizing Upgrade
However severe the current crisis, and whatever the outcome in November, big changes are coming in how the U.S. economy functions, how this country is ruled and its role in the world.

A Case Study of Corporate Media Disinformation

Stansfield Smith Dissent Voice
Over the 60 years of the Cuban revolution, the corporate media has implanted in us a negative image of Cuba through their distortions of the country’s political and economic system, their discounting the revolution’s achievements...

Why So Few Young Americans Vote

John Holbein The Conversation
In the 2016 general election a full three out of four of Americans between the age of 18 and 29 said they were interested in politics.

Courting War

Barry R. Posen Boston Review
Despite claims to the contrary, the Trump administration wants regime change in Iran and is risking a full-scale war in order to get it.