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Why Southern Democrats Saved Biden

Mara Gay New York Times
For those who live in the shadow of segregation and racial terror, the election is not about policy or personality. It’s about something much darker.

The Elizabeth Warren Example

Jamil Smith Rolling Stone
Rather than obsess over who Warren will endorse, let’s see Biden and Sanders lift up her ideas and principles

Friday Nite Videos | March 6, 2020

Coronavirus | John Oliver. Rock Me Baby | Beverly "Guitar" Watkins. Surge | Movie. Hold Truth to Power. How to Tell Matter From Antimatter.

Tidbits - Mar. 5, 2020 - Reader Comments: 2020 elections, Bernie, the media; Coronavirus - Science, Trump, Pence, message from Wuhan, China; Iran Resources; Chile Webinar; Normalize US-Cuba Relations Conference; Rosenberg Fund 30th Anniversary; more....

Reader Comments: 2020 elections, Bernie, DNC, the media; Coronavirus - Science, Trump, Pence, message from Wuhan, China; Iran Resources; Chile Webinar; Normalize US-Cuba Relations Conference; Future of American Labor; Rosenberg Fund 30th Anniversary;

Bernie Sanders Was Right About the Cuban Literacy Campaign

Catherine Murphy Truthout
The corporate media have long been looking for ways to discredit Bernie Sanders, and they settled on a surprising statement he made in the 1980s during his tenure as mayor of Burlington when he said, “We have a lot to learn from Cuba.”

Months After Puerto Rico Earthquakes, Thousands Are Still Living Outside

Frances Robles, Photographs by Erika P. Rodriguez The New York Times
In the past week alone, the Puerto Rico Seismic Network registered 43 “significant” quakes, leaving many people fearful of going home. More than 8,000 houses have been damaged. Months after the first earthquake, thousands are still homeless.

Make a Hard-Nosed Assessment, Adjust Strategy, and Fight

Charles Lenchner; Libero della Piana; Stephanie Luce; Bob Wing; Rebecca Gordon; Bob Seltzer Organizing Upgrade
The results on Super Tuesday were not what almost anyone across the political spectrum expected. For backers of Bernie Sanders and other left and progressive activists they have set off a wide-ranging conversation about the balance of forces...