As a tool to constrain executive abuse of power and as a way to publicize dissent on matters of policy and principle, the Johnson impeachment suggests that impeachment itself is the measure of success, however remote the likelihood of conviction.
Alan MacLeod
Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)
Just as the press are keen for you to know that Medicare for All is a very bad idea, they are equally anxious to make sure that the voices of beleaguered, unheard plutocrats are given as much of a boost as possible.
Economic Policy Institute
Economic Policy Institute
In preparation for President Trump’s State of the Union speech, the Economic Policy Institute has assembled research from the last year that examines the real state of the union for working people
...inspire and bring into unified action the substantial majority of U.S. people who disagree with one another on many things but agree Trump and his enablers are a danger to people and the planet...
A single payer system drives down the cost of health care…single payer is the way to go.”
-Gavin Newsom, campaigning for California Governor, 2017
“You can’t jump over a chasm in two steps”.
-Dr. Quentin Young
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