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The Sanders Revolution in Des Moines, Iowa

Marc Kagan
Bernie's staff here says we knocked on 130,000 doors this weekend. I did about 250 of those doors, so do the math: 500 people like me. Possibly I’m just swept up in the moment, but it seems like a great social movement in the making.

Where We Stand With Coronavirus

Ian Christopher Davis The Conversation
Scientists have grown the coronavirus in the lab for the first time. This is good news, and will advance the search for a vaccine. Meanwhile, what should you do to stay safe?

Democracy Is in Crisis. Karl Marx Can Help.

Bruno Leipold Jacobin
Karl Marx is often thought of as a purely economic thinker. But the famed socialist was a committed democrat — and his writings offer potential remedies for democratizing our undemocratic political system.

The Centenary of Isaac Asimov, Dreamer and Explainer

David Leslie Nature
The indefatigably curious chemist and science-fiction icon championed rationality for the common good, explained science to the public and blazed new paths in science fiction in more than 500 books that he wrote or edited

Friday Nite Videos | January 31, 2020

The Times They Are a-Changin' | Bernie Sanders. Trump Forwards His Xenophobic Agenda. The Lost Neighborhood Under New York's Central Park. The First Rainbow Coalition | Trailer. Reflecting on Kobe Bryant.

Tidbits - Jan. 30, 2020 - Reader Comments: Impeachment; 'Deal of the Century; Socialist History of Martin Luther King Jr; Anti-Semitism on Rise; Germany; Israel - Living by Occupation and the Sword; Charlie Chaplin and Flint Sit-Down Strike; Announcements

Reader Comments: Impeachment; 'Deal of the Century; Socialist History of Martin Luther King Jr; Anti-Semitism on Rise; Germany; Chicago, Israel - Living by Occupation and the Sword; Charlie Chaplin and Flint Sit-Down Strike; Resources; Announcements

Readers Respond: An Open Letter to the Green Party About 2020 Election Strategy

Portside Readers, including: Eisenscher; Collier Lamont; Millstone; Kinnucan; Jones; Young; Krug; Schwartzman; Zeese; Hawkins; Nack; Schwartz; and Markey Portside
Friday Portside posted An Open Letter to the Green Party About 2020 Election Strategy, by Noam Chomsky, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bill Fletcher, Leslie Cagan, Ron Daniels, Kathy Kelly, Norman Solomon, Cynthia Peters, and Michael Albert.

Reporters Face New Threats From the Governments They Cover

James Risen The New York Times
The cases against Julian Assange and Glenn Greenwald may be models for a crackdown. The Trump administration and the right-wing Brazilian government of President Jair Bolsonaro seem to have decided to experiment with such draconian anti-press tactics