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Striking Coal Miners Return to New York to Picket Investor

Steven Wishnia
“They don’t want to pay the profit back that we earned that company,” UMWA District 20 vice president Larry Spencer told the rally. "Give us a fair contract and we’ll go back to work in these coal mines" The strike is the longest in Alabama history.

California Inks Contract with New 40,000-member Child Care Union

BY DON THOMPSON Associated Press
Some 40,000 child-care workers across the state will receive a 15 percent raise in their new contract. The contract settlement coincided with a state budget agreement to fund 200,000 child-care slots over five years.

McDonald’s and the Failed Promise of Black Capitalism

Sabrina Alli Jacobin
McDonald’s has long portrayed itself as a champion of black uplift through black ownership of its franchises. But McDonald’s version of black capitalism, like the idea of black capitalism as a whole, has only ever benefited the few, not the many.