As workers, we are on our own. We cannot outsource our responsibilities. What is happening to us is blatant provocation. If we do not unite and fight back against the capitalist onslaught, we are doomed as workers and we deserve our misery.
By excluding jobs held by black and brown workers from basic worker protections, the Fair Labor Standards Act, adopted decade ago during the New Deal, injected institutional racism into a federal wage and hour law.
App delivery workers for DoorDash, Grubhub, Uber Eats, and other tech giants are fighting for a living wage, employment status, and the simple right to pee in privacy.
The decline of unions and the difficulties that unions face in 2021 are not simply a result of some sort of inexorable forces, which is often how globalization and technological change are presented.
One Fair Wage is fighting for tipped restaurant workers; it is fighting for Uber and Lyft drivers, car wash workers, nail salon techs, youth, the incarcerated, workers with disabilities.
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