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How Harvard Aims to Muzzle Unions

Walter Johnson The New York Review of Books
Over months of contract bargaining, Harvard reached common ground with the union on some issues. But over the course of a recent strike, the university began to lash out in punitive and ominous ways.

How to Organize Your Workplace Without Getting Caught

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai and Lauren Kaori Gurley Motherboard
Do you want to protest your company’s crappy record on sexual harassment? Are you thinking of unionizing? Here’s the Motherboard Guide to Secure Labor Organizing.

Reckoning With the AFL-CIO’s Imperialist History

Jeff Schuhrke Jacobin
Over the past century, the US government repeatedly disrupted leftist movements and supported or carried out coups around the world - aided by American labor leaders. A full reckoning with the AFL-CIO’s collaboration with US imperialism can help us.

Bernie’s Labor Support Snowballs

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in the foreground at an inside rally.
While many national unions have stayed neutral, more progressive-minded local unions and labor groups are coming out in force for the Vermont senator.

The Politics of Pensions: No Bailout for You

Marc Dann and Leo Jennings III Working Class Perspectives
Federal officials have floated a number of proposals for dealing with the dilemma of underfunded multi-employer pension plans.  Most have one thing in common: they punish the innocent victims. The contrast with the bailout of bankers is striking.

Trump's Gotta Go! Trumpism Too. Please Help.

Trump is on trial. We will, of course, present the case for his conviction and removal. But beyond that, we will work to vaccinate society against Trumpism by providing a continuous stream of fact, analysis and vision.

2019 Was the Year Tech Workers Organized

Haidee Chu Mashable
Toxic workplace culture, terrible pay, union busting, weapons contracts, anti-immigrant work, and political misinformation. Tech workers finally had enough.