Minnesota has become a hotbed of labor unrest within Amazon’s ranks, where a contingent of workers organized via local East African community group Awood Center first pressured the company’s brass to sit in on negotiations in November.
As the movement for justice in education grows, divesting from prison profiteers is a concrete way educators can join the call to end mass incarceration.
A group of union employees gathered outside the plant for a vigil on the frigid and blustery Ash Wednesday as the last shift finished in the afternoon — employees honking as they drove away. Musicians played “Youngstown” by Bruce Springsteen.
Novelita Palisoc became a domestic worker to support her family in the Philippines. She now is president of a local union affiliated with the International Domestic Workers’ Federation, a global organization of half a million domestic workers.
Workers in Mexico are striking for higher pay. With a new president in office, it may be that Mexican workers see improvements they haven't seen in many years.
"The airline industry is a special case. Airline workers have a lot of leverage because of their role connected with safety," said Lance Compa, a senior lecturer in labor law at Cornell University.
Teacher unions have not often been leaders of broader social justice movements. That’s changing due to a new generation of union activists who see their struggle as part of the struggle for the communities in which they teach.
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