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Hotel Workers From Around the World Challenge Sexual Harassment

Haseena Manek RankandFile.CA
Sexual harassment and sexual assault is a serious issue for hotel workers, who are vulnerable not only to co-workers and management but also to hotel guests. Union workers from across the globe gathered in Geneva to demand change.

Grand Scheme

Jason Pramas DigBoston
Mass legislature helps, harms workers in “deal” with labor and business lobbies

Transforming Teacher Unions in a Post-Janus World

Bob Peterson ReThinking Schools
Walker’s attack and the Janus litigation are similar not only because they directly attack working people and their right to organize, but because both have been bankrolled and directed by a network of billionaires and right-wing foundations.

This is Your Daughter’s Labor Movement

Lane Windham Working-Class Perspectives
Women hold the kinds of jobs that are central to the economy and are poised to be the majority of union members by 2025. They are expanding the range of the workers’ movement’s demands and are raising expectations about our nation’s social compact.

So Long, Labor Rights

Erik Gunn The Progressive
Under Trump, the National Labor Relations Board is facing an unprecedented attack.

SEIU Retires Its Safety and Health Program

Jordan Barab Confined Space
Unfortunately, SEIU is not alone. Last year, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) also dissolved its health and safety department when long-time director Darryl Alexander retired.

A Shining City on the Hill Treats Immigrants Humanely

Leo W. Gerard USW Blog
Although Trump signed an executive order forbidding splitting of children and parents, separations resulting from ICE raids continue. Yesterday, ICE raided Fresh Mark meat-packing facilities and arrested 140 workers, stranding their children.