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There is Life After Uber

Sam Levin The Guardian
After London stripped the service of its license, stories from Austin, Alaska and Denmark offer a preview of what could be next for the city’s transportation.

New York Teamsters Stand For Sanctuary

Tim Goulet
TEAMSTERS JOINT Council 16, representing 120,000 Teamsters in 27 locals across the five boroughs of New York City, as well as Long Island, the Hudson Valley and Puerto Rico, has declared itself a "sanctuary union."

How Hurricane Harvey Is Affecting Houston’s Restaurant Employees

Amy McCarthy Eater
Hospitality union UNITE HERE represents more than 3,000 restaurant and hotel employees in the greater Houston area, and around 250 of its members have experienced “catastrophic losses,” according to Texas organizing director Danna Schneider. UNITE HERE arrived soon after Harvey made landfall, and the organization has since been delivering groceries and checking up on its members.

From 'Labor for Bernie' To 'Labor for Our Revolution'

Rand Wilson and Peter Olney Organizing UpGrade
For the first time in anyone’s memory (and for that matter for the first time since Eugene Debs in 1920) a self-identified Socialist rallied large numbers behind an explicitly anti-corporate, anti-Wall Street, pro-working class platform.

Labor’s Southern Strategy

Chris Brooks and Gene Bruskin Dollars & Sense
It was clear to us in the Justice@Smithfield campaign that you could not win relying solely on worker meetings and house visits or relying on solidarity in the community. We had to had to build visible activity inside the plant. Having workers see one another in collective action, not being fired and even winning things is how the union takes on a living presence.

Unions Aren't Obsolete, They're Being Crushed by Right-Wing Politics

Livia Gershon Vice
A new report lays out how effective the assault on organized labor has been. The decline of unions—which now represent just over one in ten US workers, down from one in five from 1983—has been less about their value for workers than the result of a concerted effort to destroy the labor movement.

Every Day Is Labor Day

Jason Pramas DigBoston
DigBoston commits to expanding coverage of workers and unions