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New Labor's Debt to Saul Alinsky?

Mike Miller Counterpunch
Jane McAlevey is a union organizer and a critic of what is generally thought of as the U.S. “labor reform” movement. In this review of her article, I separate her criticism of labor—which I think has merit—from its attribution to Saul Alinsky—which I find without merit.

The CTU’s Strike for Democracy

Lois Weiner Jacobin
The Chicago Teachers Union’s strike today is a challenge to the rest of labor to break anti-union rules.

DC 37 Is With Hillary Clinton

The Bronx Chronicle The Bronx Chronicle
DC37 Executive Director Henry Garrido announced that his union has endorsed Secretary Hillary Clinton. DC37 is the largest municipal union in New York City with 121,000 members and 55,000 retirees and is affiliated with American Federation of State, County and Municipal Emlpyees which has already endorsed her.

Victory for Unions as Supreme Court, Scalia Gone, Ties 4-4

Adam Liptak The New York Times
A U.S. Supreme Court ruling allowing workers to refuse to pay the fees would have been the culmination of a decades-long campaign by a group of prominent conservative foundations aimed at weakening unions that represent teachers and other public employees. Tuesday’s deadlock denied them that victory, but it set no precedent and left the door open for further challenges once the Supreme Court is back at full strength.

Chicago Teachers to Strike for Public Schools and Services

Samantha Winslow Labor Notes
Just in time for the 2016 Labor Notes Conference, the Chicago Teachers Union is planning a one-day strike and citywide day of action April 1. The union’s governing body, the House of Delegates, gave its stamp of approval to the action last night.

The Front National and French Workers

Sebastian Chwala spectrezine
A blanket assertion that the French working-class has shifted to the right is misleading. Rather there has been a “demobilization” of leftwing voters due to the deep crisis of the old industrial structures which has put labor and the left on the defensive. Old Communist strongholds have seen rising voter abstention. Workers vote for the FN in large numbers in regions where leftwing consciousness and organization had been weak.

The Front National and French Workers

Sebastian Chwala spectrezine
A blanket assertion that the French working-class has shifted to the right is misleading. Rather there has been a “demobilization” of leftwing voters due to the deep crisis of the old industrial structures which has put labor and the left on the defensive. Old Communist strongholds have seen rising voter abstention. Workers vote for the FN in large numbers in regions where leftwing consciousness and organization had been weak.