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Work, Work, Work—So a Few Can Be Rich

MICHAEL D. YATES Counter Punch
Gravity on a wall:  Shut Down Capitalism
Our labor has become a commodity, something bought and sold in the marketplace, no different in principle than raw materials, equipment, and the buildings that house our workplaces.

Immigrant Detainees Strike Over $1 a Day Pay, Working Conditions

Alejandra Quintero Labor Notes
“They are compelled to do this,” says Alan Benjamin, a delegate to the San Francisco Labor Council who heard directly from striking workers. “It's not voluntary; it's compulsory work, without proper sanitation and equipment.”

NLRB Orders UMWA To Pay Strike Costs

United MIne Workers of America UMWA
NLRB demand for UMWA to pay Warrior Met Coal strike costs “outrageous,” threatens American workers’ right to strike

California Fast Food Workers Demand a Seat at the Table

Crown protested with raised fists and signs
A bill - BA 257 - aimed to create a fast food sector council to set minimum industry standards on wages, working hours, health and safety and other working conditions - is expected to come before the senate appropriations committee on August 11.