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Robin Myers Beloit Poetry Journal
New York poet Robin Myers captures the omnipresent mix of commerce with big-city surveillance.

Class War on New Ground

Barry Eidlin Against the Current
Class struggle still dominates civil society under capitalism. The new terrain explored here, as well as its undoing by working people, lies in capital’s increased capacity to squeeze more work out of every minute of every work day.

Was Eric Hobsbawm a dangerous Communist?

Richard J. Evans The Guardian
In this essay, the author of a new biography of Hobsbawm, the famous Marxist historian, gives us a brief assessment of British Communist writer's life and work.

Why Hollywood Sucks: They Don’t Make More Movies Like ‘Vice’

Andrew Stewart Washington Babylon
Vice is a picture that distills entire semesters worth of history, geopolitics, psychology, media theory, film studies, and military analysis into a historical comedy-drama that has netted far less attention and box office receipts than it deserved.

'Informer': TV Review

Tim Goodman Hollywood Reporter
A taut, twisty new series from Amazon and the BBC touches on race, class, immigration and terrorism.

The Wall (running the changes)

Philip Fried
New York poet Philip Fried traces the evolution of THE WALL, “the quintessential barrier/for keeping the future out and the past in.”