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These Days, Mississippi

Ann Fisher-Wirth About Place Journal
Mississippi poet Ann Fisher-Wirth addresses the persistence of racial injustice at Ole Miss and elsewhere: “I grieve/I cannot march.”

Walter Mosley’s Incredible Speech - National Book Awards

Walter Mosley Literary Hub
Walter Mosley's incredible speech from last month's National Book Awards, receiving The Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters - the first African American man to receive this award.

John Carpenter, Apocalyptic Filmmaker

Eileen Jones Jacobin
John Carpenter’s movies provide visions of societies falling apart. No wonder his work is resonating now more than ever.

Portside Says: Multiracial Democracy or No Democracy at All

The danger of a fascist-like regime consolidating its power has been averted. For now. But make no mistake: The issue of whether we will move forward or be dragged into an abyss has been postponed, not decided. Please help - Portside's annual appeal.

Thanksgiving Letter from Harry

Carl Dennis
The prize-winning poet Carl Dennis offers an ironic thanksgiving greeting, one that reminds us of what blessings we North Americans have as well as the abuse we have made of those very blessings.

Bella Abzug - The Fighter

Maggie Doherty New York Review of Books
On the feisty congresswoman’s posthumous return to the spotlight. Abzug’s encounters with sexism pushed her toward feminism, and so did the support she received from female constituents and supporters after she was elected.