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Bob Woodward’s Dragnet Descends on Donald Trump

Lloyd Green The Guardian
Woodward, one of the two Washington Post city reporters who broke the Watergate story that led to bringing down a president has written another sober, must-read dissection of corruption and rot at the White House.

John Rawls, Socialist?

Ed Quish Jacobin
The author of this book, writes reviewer Quish, "makes a powerful case for a 'socialist constitutionalism' that deserves a place in contemporary debates on the Left."

Before You Try to Decolonize Your Diet, Read This

Chelsey Luger Yes Magazine
The intensification of corn impacted indigenous health, for better and for worse. Increased corn consumption often meant fewer micronutrients as corn replaced other foods in their diet.
Decolonizing the Diet: Nutrition, Immunity, and the Warning From Early America explores how the forces of nutrition, immunity, environmental change, disease, settler colonialism, and other factors have influenced the health of Native Americans.

A Postcard from Ursula LeGuin

John Crowley Boston Review
An homage to the then recently deceased, superlative science fiction writer who encouraged the author, an apprentice novelist adrift in the publishing world, to be a better reader as well as an accomplished scribbler of exemplary fiction.

New Film Reveals Life of Civil Rights Activist Jack O’Dell

Paul Buhle Truthout
O’Dell was a close, crucial adviser to Dr. King. The axe nevertheless fell with demands on King to drop this trusted adviser. Speaking softly, O'Dell minces no words about the role of anti-communism then, how much it cost him and the Black movement.