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Food Preferences Learned in Social Contexts

Jim Logan Noozhawk
A main finding from this research is that babies learning about food is fundamentally social. When they see someone eat a food, they can use the person’s reaction to the food to learn about the food itself, such as whether it is edible, and also to learn about the people who are eating the food.

You Do Not Have the Right to Remain Silent (a Rant)

Terry Adams World of Change edited by David Madgalene
Poet Terry Adams lives in the house formerly occupied by the hipster Ken Kesey, famous for his novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and the influence of the latter on the former may give a clue for understanding the style and point of Adams’s poem dealing with the rights and wrongs of the universe.

Does Gareth Stedman Jones Inflate or Deflate Marx's Heritage?

Alex Callinicos International Socialism
The reviewer faults the book's author for deflating both Marx's and the author's own earlier stance as a creative British Marxist historian of the working class. While the reviewer grants that Jones offers solid accounts of developments in the British working class movement and in European radical politics that made the First International possible, he faults Jones for relying on a narrow reading of Marx's political economy at the expense of its revolutionary core.

The Realest Thing You've Ever Seen

Robert Christgau Barnes and Noble Review
With this book, Springsteen has joined the ranks of those musicians who have also produced first-rate autobiographies. Indeed, the musician's biography has developed into its own literary genre. Long-time music critic Christgau offers a detailed appreciation of this important memoir.

Developing Foods for Millennials

Lauren R. Hartman Food Processing Magazine
Millennials value freshness, authenticity, daring flavors and atypical eating occasions (like snacking). Food & beverage developers capitalize on the food buying behaviors, influences, nutritional concerns and vast eating potential of this age group.

The Tragedy of Vice Principals

Andrew Simmons The Atlantic
The jokes in the HBO comedy may not be all that funny, but the show reveals something raw and authentic about public-school dynamics.

I am Khanga

Fezekile Ntsukela Kuzwayo ZAM Africa Magazine
On May 8, 2006, the South African Judge Willem van der Merwe ruled that ANC leader Jacob Zuma was not guilty of the rape of Fezekile Ntsukela Kuzwayo. Zuma did not deny having sex with her, but claimed since the victim wore a khanga, a wraparound cloth, she had “asked for it.” Here is her poetic response.

Making Sense of Modern Pornography

Katrina Forrester The New Yorker
Disagreement on the left reigns over pornography. Is it in essence the objectification of capitalist commodity relations applied to "the other" with possibly disastrous social consequences, or is its celebration of eroticism potentially subversive of an entire repressive culture? The book under review examines the modern porn industry where the Internet has made it ubiquitous, and access on many sites even free. So if this isn't our fathers' old titillations, what is it?

After Irony

Maggie Doherty Dissent
One of the newer fields of academic study is called "Affect Studies," described by Maggie Doherty as the "humanistic and social-scientific investigations of the ways that feelings are generated, experienced, and interpreted" In this review, she explores how two authors use ideas generated by this field to explore the political life of feelings.